French ⋅ 🇫🇷 ⋅ Test - B2 Level

DELF பரீட்சை - நிலை B2

DELF tout public - niveau B2

  • défendre mon opinion en donnant des arguments et des exemples
  • développer mon point de vue et parler des avantages et des inconvénients
  • exprimer la cause et la conséquence
  • convaincre quelqu’un
  • m’autocorriger quand je fais une erreur
  • prendre des notes
  • reformuler une idée et expliquer l’implicite
  • comprendre l’essentiel d’un document d’actualité

Grammar topics for DELF B2

In addition to DELF A1 grammar, DELF A2 grammar, and DELF B1 grammar, here is a list of grammar topics to prepare for DELF B2:

  • Agreement of COD and the past participle in le passé composé (je l’ai vu / vue)
  • Combination of past tenses
  • Double compound past (le passé surcomposé)
  • Past infinitive (je suis heureux d’être allé à Paris en 2021) 
  • Future perfect tense
  • Subjunctives (past, present, politeness, wishful thinking) 
  • Verbs in the infinitive vs. subjunctive expressions (Marie pense que c’est possible vs. Marie a peur que ce soit impossible)
  • Conjunctions in subjunctive, indicative, and infinitive
  • Compound relative pronouns (lequel, auquel, duquel)
  • Indirect speech in past tenses
  • Negation : sans + infinitive
  • Logical connectors and expressions of anteriority, simultaneity, and posteriority

Explanation of the evaluation criteria for written production

Completion of the task

The type of text requested in the instructions may be a contribution to a debate on a forum or a formal letter written in a personal or collective capacity. The type of text I write corresponds to the instructions.

The theme requested in the instructions may concern France or the French-speaking world; the theme of my text corresponds to the instructions.

You have to write 250 words minimum, You can write more but you must not write less.

You can present facts, events or situations in detail.

You can give specific examples.

You can take a stand on an idea. You can argue in detail and give specific examples. You can give the pros and cons of what you say. You can use opinion verbs like “I find that…” (« je trouve que… »), “I think that…” (« je pense que… »).

Coherence and cohesion

Sociolinguistic adequacy

You can use appeal and polite expressions appropriate to the situation.
You can use a language register appropriate to the situation.


You have to use B2 level words adapted to the situation.
You have to avoid repetition, you can use synonyms, other words that mean the same thing.
The words you use exist and are correctly chosen.
Your errors in word choice do not hinder understanding.
You may spell most B2 level words correctly.

Morphosyntax (grammar)

You can write simple sentences at level B2. You can write complex sentences at level B2, that is to say long sentences with several conjugated verbs. You can vary between simple and complex sentences.
You can use past tenses: past perfect, imperfect, past perfect…
You can use the conditional and the subjunctive.
You have to match verbs, nouns and adjectives in gender and number.

Explanation of the assessment criteria for oral production

Completion of the task: monologue followed

You can identify the theme of the document and the main ideas.
You can formulate a clear problem related to the document.
You can announce the outline of your monologue.
You can present your point of view.
You can argue your point of view.
You can give specific and relevant examples.
Your ideas follow each other in a logical order, there is a beginning and an end (introduction, development, conclusion).
You have to use various connectors to connect your ideas.

Carrying out the task: interactive exercise

You can confirm my opinion.
You can vary my arguments to qualify my ideas.
You can elaborate on what I say.
You can express the concession “however, however…”, “despite”, “but, nevertheless…”.
You can show my agreement or disagreement.
You can respond to what the examiner says.
You can defend my point of view.

For both parts

You can use B2 level words adapted to the theme and context of the exercise.
You avoid repetition, you can use synonyms, different words that mean the same thing.
You can make simple sentences and use simple expressions at level B2.
You can write complex sentences at level B2, that is to say long sentences with several conjugated verbs.
You can use past tenses: past perfect, imperfect, more than perfect…
You can match verbs, nouns and adjectives in gender and number.
You can correct yourself if you make a mistake.
Your pronunciation must be pretty clear.
You have a good speech rate, you have to speak neither too quickly nor too slowly.
You can vary my intonations.